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Wenn Sie über eine der WUN-Partnerplattformen hierher gekommen sind, können Sie direkt zum TIER springen 1~EINNAHMEÃœBERPRÃœFUNG:





Wenn Sie hier „frisch“ sind und daran interessiert sind, tiefer zu tauchen, dann erfüllen Sie bitte alle PHASEN1-3Schritte noch nicht abgeschlossen.

Dies wird Bewegen Sie sich in Richtung TIER 1~ORIENTIERUNGSAUFNAHMEFORMULAR, ASie auf TIER vorrücken2~ONBOARDEN.

This will advance you into membership with TIER 3 ~ ACTIVATION; here the real fun begins!


  • Explore the Key WUN Structural Elements to gain an deeper understanding of the Watershed Wisdom Councils Concept for inviting effective Watershed Stewardship and WaterUnity Networks structure  as the central framework holding the WWCC together and for facilitating the building of resilient communities

  • You should now be registered with our Primary Partner Platform, the World Water Community (WWC), and have  joined the WUN ATRIUM@WWC group there. This is a very, very important first step for our onboarding into WUN as a WELLSPRING member. All subsequent Ocean Quadrant and Watershed groups rely on belonging to the WUN ATRIUMS as our central connection within our partner platforms.

  • Return to WUN HOME BASE and WUN ATRIUM@WWC webpages often for info, updates, glossary, FAQ, links, etc. Bookmark these important pages for quick access and flow between our interwoven platforms.

  • Download the WUN TIER 2~ONBOARDING worksheet PDF for us to organize and track our geolocation research. Hang on to this worksheet, you will be adding it to your Guidebook as you progress in your training.


  • Our main goal in this tier is to geolocate ourselves ~ to find our Ocean Quadrant and identify our Home Watershed. Use the worksheet PDF in preparation for filling in the TIER 2 ~ ONBOARDING INTAKE FORM.

  • ​The 'OCEAN QUADRANT' is identified as the mouth of your River where your Watershed discharges into the World's One Ocean. It's important to learn about the WUN Ocean Quadrants so you can map the full course and extent of your Watershed drainage basin, and begin to discover your unique place in your biome.



  • The OCEAN QUADRANT is the first Watershed 'COHORT' group you'll join in the World Water Community from  the WUN ATRIUM@WWC as you enter into your 'WUN WELLSPRING' membership.​

  • ​​​Next, determine the closest WATER BODY to where you live and identify this as your 'HOME WATERSHED'.​​


  •  After completing these first two tiersyou should be well versed in the purpose of our shared mission, as well as the structure and protocol of WUN. You are now ready to advance as a 'WUN Wellspring' member.

  • Continue attending one or more 'Fresh Stewards' ORIENTATION/ONBOARDING CALLS to connect.

Calls are added as more people join. Go to calendar for one suitable to your time zone and schedule.

  • You're invited to now complete the TIER 3~ACTIVATION INTAKE FORM to advance to TIER 3

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* Click the Hummingbird's Guidebook above to advance to TIER 3~ACTIVATION *

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