Aligning with the Nature of Water as Our Source
Aligning with the Nature of Water as Our Source
By aligning ourselves with the fundamental Nature of Water as the Source of All Life, and tapping into this as the foundational structure for our Watershed Regeneration, we enlist the greatest ally ever in rebalancing the planetary hydrological climate cycle. With this as our north star, we learn to work TOGETHER in whole-system collaboration, revitalizing ourselves, our communities and our biosphere.
WHAT A CONCEPT! Simple, obvious, purely possible. It seems like common sense and easily done.
However, humanity is not a simple species and a myriad of challenges will arise in implementation.
Still... it's logical to begin here, organizing to build a strong bridge to get us where we need to go.
This is dynamic, live-long process of multilayered engagement. not a prescriptive program of quick fixes. None of us have sailed these seas before, however, we ARE forming a flotilla of Watershed Stewards to take this journey together. This requires active participation and commitment; engaging our collective intelligence to construct as set of navigational charts to assist us only makes sense.
Our mission to create the most effective, efficient structures to hold the vision. We believe it is the present generation's responsibility to ensure our descendants have the same opportunities to thrive on a hospitable planet that our forebears enjoyed for the most of the previous Holocene epoch. THE BEST TIME IS NOW! to
Working Together ~ Committed, Connected & Coordinated
Working Together ~ Committed, Connected & Coordinated
We place Water at the center of all our efforts, because every life form is nourished, nurtured and regenerated by our essential life force - the Water flowing through us. This whole-system structure can restore the natural balance for how humans either impact or integrate into our local biome as we move within the terrain.
As an online space, the WATERUNITY NETWORKS (WUN) offers a safe haven for supporting regenerative practitioners' projects with the access to experts and resources required, in order to co-create resilient communities able to adapt to our rapidly changing world. Connecting along Watersheds and climate zones, every community applies solutions uniquely suited to the needs of their bioregion and monitors the progress.
Each bioregion and community participating in the WATERUNITY NETWORKS is committed to the shared mission of rebalancing our planet's hydrologic cycle, building resiliency in our Watersheds, and actively applying effective nature-based solutions for local and global results to address the root of the Climate Crisis.
As we evolve towards our ultimate goal of forming an interconnected local↔global system of Concentric Council Confluences (OCEAN QUADRANTS, AFFINITY COHORTS, CIRCLES OF TRUST, WATERSHED WISDOM COUNCILS, FUNCTIONAL GUILDS and WATER SANCTUARIES) each concentric ring will serve a specific essential function.
Our collaborative model is 'gamified' to add incentive and value. Our ultimate strategy for each council is to form a DHO structure, (Decentralized, Human Organization) for generating economic and governing alternatives to our dominant economic systems, exploring new methods such as 'Circular' and/or 'Donut' economics, etc.; models that emphasize resilient community-building, inner wholeness, radical resource efficiency, social justice, ecological limits, deep well-being and abundance for All Life. Elemental to this navigation is attracting the Youth, especially the underserved youth in the developing world - to provide them with effective pathways to full success as adults - by integrating into the WEB OF LIFE.
The WATERSHED WISDOM COUNCIL CONCEPT (WWCC) is a map for organizing Watershed Stewards into globally networked, bio-regionally connected, locally empowered, and internally aligned small Circles of Trust and Watershed Wisdom Councils. The WUN community-building framework strives to become a central hub for helping to coordinate radical collaboration in cultivating and supporting Regenerative Culture worldwide.
Key to the 'Concept' is a renewed perspective of Water, not as a 'resource', but, as the Source of All Life.
We also adhere to the bold idea that ~WE ARE THE WATERSHED! We understand that, from a whole-system perspective, a Watershed is far more than just the liquid flowing thru the terrain towards the One Ocean. Most vitally, we place Water at the center of ALL LIFE, as every life form is revitalized by the Water flowing through us, nourishing us as our essential life force. This whole-system approach is striving to regenerate the natural balance for how humans either impacting or integrating into an ecosystem as we move within the terrain.
Working from inside out, we are co-creating resilient communities as the most efficient units of global transformation.
Even as we dive into the complexity of 'The Imperative', we'll take what time we need to travel at our own pace, within our capacity for absorption, for understanding of the potential, AND to be sure we will have tons of fun while doing so.
WUN ATRIUMS guide 'FRESH' WATER STEWARDS (new members) here from our Partner Platforms. Each PARTNER PLATFORMS has a satellite WUN Atrium group page funneling the individuals and groups interested in becoming Water Stewards to this WATERUNITY NETWORKS (WUN) website for orientation and guidance in advancing through the 'Tiers of Engagement'. Each tier serves a specific function in integrating into WUN.
We'll progress step-by-step, in organized tiers and phases, progressing as activated Water Stewards advancing into their local↔global Trust Circles and Watershed Wisdom Councils. We are each welcome to advance at our own pace and to their own capacity for engagement, balancing within our life's needs and purposes.
The first of these is our TIER 1~ORIENTATION providing a general introduction to the imperative, concept, purpose and ethos of this local to global network of change agents, as well as our mission for community-building with more Fresh Water Stewards arriving weekly.
Then, if we choose to, we take a deeper dive in the next TIER 2~ONBOARDING to learn the structure and geolocate in our home Watershed to establish a strong sense of place within our Watershed Communities.
TIER 2~ONBOARDING grants us a provisional WUN MEMBERSHIP. Then, if you appreciate what you are learning and wish to dive even deeper, we can advance into TIER 3~ACTIVATION. This is when the vital fun of FULL WUN MEMBERSHIP really begins, as we are starting to generate the connections, collaborations and projects needed to get the really important work implemented, in the soonest possible timeframe.
Once oriented, onboarded, and activated, we'll go thru four more 'Developmental Tiers' with the goal of joining or creating a Circle of Trust, then to transition this into an effective Watershed Wisdom Council, Guild, or Cohort. Each and all of these configurations, these Concentric Engagements are committed to revitalizing the whole balance of All Life within our Watersheds by aligning, connecting and working from Source to Sea and back again.
Designed as our public-facing Community Commons, the WUN ATRIUM HOME BASE serves as a primary gathering point for membership into the WATERUNITY NETWORKS (WUN). You can just glean what valuable information is here to serve your needs, or you can dive deeper to learn more about high-level collaborative Water↔ Earth Stewardship.
We journey through this process in Cohorts of Trusted Friends ~ both familiar compadres you've brought with us, and new connections we've met along the way. This collective experience of vetting is a vital part of our community-building, and for integrating new participants into the WUN's mission, culture, values, principles, and practices.
A key element to the navigation is attracting the climate-concerned youth, especially the underserved youth in the developing world -providing them with effective pathways to full success as adults - integrated into the WEB OF LIFE.
Si vous mettez de l'eau dans une tasse, elle devient la tasse.
Vous mettez de l'eau dans une bouteille et elle devient la bouteille.
Tu le mets dans une théière ça devient la théière.
Maintenant, l'eau peut couler ou s'effondrer.
Soyez de l'eau, mon ami.
~ Bruce Lee
Dans la sagesse de Bruce Lee, si le concept des conseils de sagesse des bassins versants nous invite à nous aligner sur notre eau, alors les RÉSEAUX WATERUNITY sont nos vaisseaux solides pour la retenir et transporter l'humanité là où nous devons aller. UNDans le cadre d'un réseau mycélien de réseaux, de plateformes, de communautés et d'intendants Eau~Terre activés, nous travaillons tous à partir des principes fondamentaux et de l'éthos de se souvenir de l'eau comme essence de la vie.
WUN est notre lieu de rassemblement et notre espace de travail pour les individus, les communautés, les réseaux, les plateformes , les cohortes d'affinité et la guilde fonctionnelle, chacun engagé à respecter l'éthique de l'eau en tant que notre étoile polaire. Nous engageons notre sagesse collective à co-créer une flottille d'agents de changement avec pour mission de guérir notre bien-aimée Terre Mère.
En allant vers la co-création de ce réseau mycélien mondial, nous nous alignons sur l'eau, la source de la vie, comme notre plus grand allié de tous les temps, en nous appuyant sur une puissante mission partagée et en agrégeant notre sagesse au fur et à mesure que l'eau coule, travaillant de la source à la mer dans une collaboration radicale pour conserver ce qui reste de nos biomes intacts, régénérer ce qui a été perdu et créer une résilience transformationnelle durable dans nos communautés.