Nous sommes ravis que vous souhaitiez découvrir comment le Watershed Wisdom Council Concept (WWCC)
et les Water Unity Networks (WUN) peuvent servir vos efforts pour protéger et gérer notre eau,
la biodiversité de notre monde et des communautés humaines prospères au sein de nos bassins versants.
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Merci pour votre intérêt et votre demande !
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Qu'est-ce qu'une section FAQ ?Une section FAQ peut être utilisée pour répondre rapidement aux questions courantes sur vous ou votre entreprise, telles que "Où expédiez-vous ?", "Quelles sont vos heures d'ouverture ?" ou "Comment puis-je réserver un service ? C'est un excellent moyen d'aider les gens à naviguer sur votre site et peut même améliorer le référencement de votre site.
WATERUNITY NETWORKS: NEXT STEPS“You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop.” ~ Rumi WUN NEXT STEPS If you are coming to this WUN Home Base website from one of our Partner Platforms, welcome! We are excited to have you join us! Here in our Home Harbor, we have the chance to dive as deep as we have time and capacity for, advancing at our own pace and interest to the next levels. After perusing these public pages, the Orientation and Onboarding Tiers will lead to the "WELLSPRING" of Activation. This collaborative, community-building membership zone, is where we can delve even deeper into the WUN Watershed Stewardship process. Collaborations are encouraged. Please understand that this self-organizing deepening process is designed to guide us through a progressive sequence of distinct Concentric Tiers of Engagement in order to become better Water Stewards caring for our precious Earth. Currently, there are 7 Concentric Tiers of Engagement following the Watershed Wisdom Council Concept navigational charts. Each Tier needs to be completed in order to advance to the next. TIER 1~ORIENTATION While technically still a public space, this is the first purposeful step toward being activated in the Wellspring. Although, there are a few more simple steps preparing you to get to this point of transition. In the Orientation phase each Fresh Water Steward is requested to join our Primary Partner Platform, the World Water Community here: Please attend at least one ORIENTATION ZOOM CALL for advancing to TIER 2 ONBOARDING. Calls currently occur every Monday @ 11:00 am on Zoom. You can also schedule individual Welcome Call if you can't make that day and time. TIER 2~ONBOARDING After you have completed the TIER1~Orientation, Tier 2~Onboarding in next for learning more about the WUN Watershed Stewardship Process. During the onboarding phase you'll have the opportunity to join into each of our activated WUN Partner Platforms to find the WUN Atrium Portals nested there. Each Partner Platform is selected because they align with the WUN WATER ETHOS and offer specific functions and access to other unique communities, each with their own character. You can find which Partner Platform best serves your needs, and explore all the other options that interest you. TIER 2~Onboarding prepares Fresh Water Stewards for TIER 3~Activation as Wellspring members to begin forming local Circles of Trust, when ready. Each Drop Counts! Dive in.